Evidence Preservation and Collection

Medical professionals have a saying “First do no harm.” For digital forensics practitioners our motto should be “Don’t alter the data.” This sounds simple enough. In actuality it is a bit more complicated as data is volatile. There is a hierarchy of volatility that exists in data found in any system.

The most volatile data can be found in CPU registers. These registers are high speed scratch memory locations. Capturing their contents is next to impossible. Fortunately, there is little forensic value in these contents. CPU caches are the next level down in terms of volatility. Like registers they are hard to capture and also, thankfully, of little forensic value.

Slightly less volatile than storage in the CPU are buffers found in various devices such as network cards. Not all input/output devices have their own storage buffers. Some lowspeed devices use main system memory (RAM) for buffering. As with data stored in the CPU, this data is difficult to capture. In theory, anything stored in these buffers should be replicated in system memory assuming it came from or was destined for the target computer.

System memory is also volatile. Once power has been lost, RAM is cleared. When compared to previously discussed items, system memory is relatively easy to capture. In most cases it is not possible to collect the contents of system memory without changing memory contents slightly. An exception to this would be hardware-based memory collection. Memory acquisition will be discussed in greater detail in a later chapter.

Due to limitations in technology, until recently much of digital forensics was focused on “dead analysis” of images from hard drives and other media. Even when dealing with nonvolatile media, volatility is still an issue. One of the oldest questions in computer security and forensics is whether or not to pull the plug on a system you suspect has been compromised.

Pulling the plug can lead to data loss as anything cached for writing to media will disappear. On modern journaling filesystems (by far the most common situation on Linux systems today) this is less of an issue as the journal can be used to correct any corruption. If the system is shut down in the normal manner some malware will attempt to cover its tracks or even worse destroy other data on the system.

Executing a normal shutdown has the advantage of flushing buffers and caches. As previously mentioned, the orderly shutdown is not without possible disadvantages. As with many things in forensics, the correct answer as to which method is better is, “it depends.” There are methods of obtaining images of hard drives and other media which do not require a system shutdown which further complicates this decision. Details of these methods will be presented in future chapters.

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