Reading the superblock

The following code will allow you to read a superblock from a disk image. We will walk through most, but not all this code. A note on formatting: many of the comments that were originally at the end of lines have been moved to the line above to make the code more legible in this book.




This is a simple Python script that will # get metadata from an ext2/3/4 filesystem inside # of an image file.


Developed for PentesterAcademy # by Dr. Phil Polstra (@ppolstra) import sys import os.path import subprocess import struct import time # these are simple functions to make conversions easier def getU32(data, offset=0): return struct.unpack(‘<L’, data[offset:offset+4])[0] def getU16(data, offset=0): return struct.unpack(‘<H’, data[offset:offset+2])[0] def getU8(data, offset=0): return struct.unpack(‘B’, data[offset:offset+1])[0] def getU64(data, offset=0):

return struct.unpack(‘<Q’, data[offset:offset+8])[0]

this function doesn’t unpack the string because # it isn’t really a number but a UUID def getU128(data, offset=0):

return data[offset:offset+16] def printUuid(data):

retStr = \ format(struct.unpack(‘<Q’, data[8:16])[0], ‘X’).zfill(16) + \ format(struct.unpack(‘<Q’, data[0:8])[0], ‘X’).zfill(16)

return retStr def getCompatibleFeaturesList(u32):

retList = [] if u32 & 0x1:

retList.append(‘Directory Preallocate’)

if u32 & 0x2: retList.append(‘Imagic Inodes’) if u32 & 0x4: retList.append(‘Has Journal’) if u32 & 0x8: retList.append(‘Extended Attributes’) if u32 & 0x10: retList.append(‘Resize Inode’) if u32 & 0x20: retList.append(‘Directory Index’) if u32 & 0x40: retList.append(‘Lazy Block Groups’) if u32 & 0x80: retList.append(‘Exclude Inode’) if u32 & 0x100: retList.append(‘Exclude Bitmap’) if u32 & 0x200:

retList.append(‘Sparse Super 2’) return retList def getIncompatibleFeaturesList(u32):

retList = [] if u32 & 0x1: retList.append(‘Compression’) if u32 & 0x2: retList.append(‘Filetype’) if u32 & 0x4: retList.append(‘Recover’) if u32 & 0x8: retList.append(‘Journal Device’) if u32 & 0x10: retList.append(‘Meta Block Groups’) if u32 & 0x40: retList.append(‘Extents’) if u32 & 0x80: retList.append(‘64-bit’) if u32 & 0x100: retList.append(‘Multiple Mount Protection’) if u32 & 0x200: retList.append(‘Flexible Block Groups’) if u32 & 0x400:

retList.append(‘Extended Attributes in Inodes’) if u32 & 0x1000: retList.append(‘Directory Data’) if u32 & 0x2000: retList.append(‘Block Group Metadata Checksum’) if u32 & 0x4000: retList.append(‘Large Directory’) if u32 & 0x8000: retList.append(‘Inline Data’) if u32 & 0x10000:

retList.append(‘Encrypted Inodes’) return retList def getReadonlyCompatibleFeaturesList(u32):

retList = [] if u32 & 0x1: retList.append(‘Sparse Super’) if u32 & 0x2: retList.append(‘Large File’) if u32 & 0x4: retList.append(‘Btree Directory’) if u32 & 0x8: retList.append(‘Huge File’) if u32 & 0x10: retList.append(‘Group Descriptor Table Checksum’) if u32 & 0x20: retList.append(‘Directory Nlink’) if u32 & 0x40: retList.append(‘Extra Isize’) if u32 & 0x80: retList.append(‘Has Snapshot’) if u32 & 0x100: retList.append(‘Quota’) if u32 & 0x200: retList.append(‘Big Alloc’) if u32 & 0x400: retList.append(‘Metadata Checksum’) if u32 & 0x800: retList.append(‘Replica’) if u32 & 0x1000:


return retList

This class will parse the data in a superblock class Superblock():

def init(self, data):

self.totalInodes = getU32(data) self.totalBlocks = getU32(data, 4) self.restrictedBlocks = getU32(data, 8) self.freeBlocks = getU32(data, 0xc) self.freeInodes = getU32(data, 0x10) # normally 0 unless block size is <4k self.firstDataBlock = getU32(data, 0x14) # block size is 1024 * 2^(whatever is in this field) self.blockSize = 2^(10 + getU32(data, 0x18)) # only used if bigalloc feature enabled self.clusterSize = 2^(getU32(data, 0x1c)) self.blocksPerGroup = getU32(data, 0x20) # only used if bigalloc feature enabled self.clustersPerGroup = getU32(data, 0x24) self.inodesPerGroup = getU32(data, 0x28) self.mountTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x2c)) self.writeTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x30)) # mounts since last fsck self.mountCount = getU16(data, 0x34) # mounts between fsck

self.maxMountCount = getU16(data, 0x36) self.magic = getU16(data, 0x38) # should be 0xef53 #0001/0002/0004 = cleanly unmounted/errors/orphans self.state = getU16(data, 0x3a) # when errors 1/2/3 continue/read-only/panic self.errors = getU16(data, 0x3c) self.minorRevision = getU16(data, 0x3e) # last fsck time

self.lastCheck = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x40)) # seconds between checks self.checkInterval = getU32(data, 0x44) # 0/1/2/3/4 Linux/Hurd/Masix/FreeBSD/Lites self.creatorOs = getU32(data, 0x48) # 0/1 original/v2 with dynamic inode sizes self.revisionLevel = getU32(data, 0x4c)

UID for reserved blocks

self.defaultResUid = getU16(data, 0x50) # GID for reserved blocks self.defaultRegGid = getU16(data, 0x52) # for Ext4 dynamic revisionLevel superblocks only! # first non-reserved inode self.firstInode = getU32(data, 0x54) # inode size in bytes self.inodeSize = getU16(data, 0x58) # block group this superblock is in self.blockGroupNumber = getU16(data, 0x5a) # compatible features self.compatibleFeatures = getU32(data, 0x5c) self.compatibleFeaturesList = \ getCompatibleFeaturesList(self.compatibleFeatures)

incompatible features self.incompatibleFeatures = getU32(data, 0x60) self.incompatibleFeaturesList = \ getIncompatibleFeaturesList(self.incompatibleFeatures)

read-only compatible features self.readOnlyCompatibleFeatures = getU32(data, 0x64) self.readOnlyCompatibleFeaturesList = \ getReadonlyCompatibleFeaturesList(\ self.readOnlyCompatibleFeatures)

UUID for volume left as a packed string self.uuid = getU128(data, 0x68) # volume name - likely empty

self.volumeName = data[0x78:0x88].split(“\x00”)[0] # directory where last mounted

self.lastMounted = data[0x88:0xc8].split(“\x00”)[0] # used with compression

self.algorithmUsageBitmap = getU32(data, 0xc8) # not used in ext4

self.preallocBlocks = getU8(data, 0xcc) #only used with DIR_PREALLOC feature self.preallocDirBlock = getU8(data, 0xcd) # blocks reserved for future expansion self.reservedGdtBlocks = getU16(data, 0xce) # UUID of journal superblock self.journalUuid = getU128(data, 0xd0)

inode number of journal file

self.journalInode = getU32(data, 0xe0) # device number for journal if external journal used self.journalDev = getU32(data, 0xe4) # start of list of orphaned inodes to delete self.lastOrphan = getU32(data, 0xe8) self.hashSeed = []

self.hashSeed.append(getU32(data, 0xec)) # htree hash seed self.hashSeed.append(getU32(data, 0xf0)) self.hashSeed.append(getU32(data, 0xf4)) self.hashSeed.append(getU32(data, 0xf8)) # 0/1/2/3/4/5 legacy/half MD4/tea/u-legacy/u-half MD4/u-Tea self.hashVersion = getU8(data, 0xfc) self.journalBackupType = getU8(data, 0xfd) # group descriptor size if 64-bit feature enabled self.descriptorSize = getU16(data, 0xfe) self.defaultMountOptions = getU32(data, 0x100) # only used with meta bg feature self.firstMetaBlockGroup = getU32(data, 0x104) # when was the filesystem created self.mkfsTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x108)) self.journalBlocks = [] # backup copy of journal inodes and size in last two elements for i in range(0, 17):

self.journalBlocks.append(getU32(data, 0x10c + i*4))

for 64-bit mode only self.blockCountHi = getU32(data, 0x150) self.reservedBlockCountHi = getU32(data, 0x154) self.freeBlocksHi = getU32(data, 0x158) # all inodes such have at least this much space self.minInodeExtraSize = getU16(data, 0x15c) # new inodes should reserve this many bytes self.wantInodeExtraSize = getU16(data, 0x15e) #1/2/4 signed hash/unsigned hash/test code self.miscFlags = getU32(data, 0x160) # logical blocks read from disk in RAID before moving to next disk self.raidStride = getU16(data, 0x164) # seconds to wait between multi-mount checks self.mmpInterval = getU16(data, 0x166) # block number for MMP data self.mmpBlock = getU64(data, 0x168)

how many blocks read/write till back on this disk self.raidStripeWidth = getU32(data, 0x170) # groups per flex group self.groupsPerFlex = 2^(getU8(data, 0x174)) # should be 1 for crc32 self.metadataChecksumType = getU8(data, 0x175) self.reservedPad = getU16(data, 0x176) # should be zeroes # kilobytes written for all time self.kilobytesWritten = getU64(data, 0x178) # inode of active snapshot self.snapshotInode = getU32(data, 0x180) # id of the active snapshot self.snapshotId = getU32(data, 0x184) # blocks reserved for snapshot

self.snapshotReservedBlocks = getU64(data, 0x188) # inode number of head of snapshot list self.snapshotList = getU32(data, 0x190) self.errorCount = getU32(data, 0x194) # time first error detected self.firstErrorTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x198)) self.firstErrorInode = getU32(data, 0x19c) # guilty inode self.firstErrorBlock = getU64(data, 0x1a0) # guilty block # guilty function self.firstErrorFunction = data[0x1a8:0x1c8].split(“\x00”)[0] # line number where error occurred self.firstErrorLine = getU32(data, 0x1c8) # time last error detected self.lastErrorTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x1cc)) self.lastErrorInode = getU32(data, 0x1d0) # guilty inode # line number where error occurred self.lastErrorLine = getU32(data, 0x1d4) self.lastErrorBlock = getU64(data, 0x1d8) # guilty block # guilty function self.lastErrorFunction = data[0x1e0:0x200].split(“\x00”)[0] # mount options in null-terminated string self.mountOptions = data[0x200:0x240].split(“\x00”)[0] # inode of user quota file self.userQuotaInode = getU32(data, 0x240) # inode of group quota file self.groupQuotaInode = getU32(data, 0x244) self.overheadBlocks = getU32(data, 0x248) # should be zero self.backupBlockGroups = [getU32(data, 0x24c), \

getU32(data, 0x250)] # super sparse 2 only self.encryptionAlgorithms = [] for i in range(0, 4):

self.encryptionAlgorithms.append(getU32(data, 0x254 + i*4)) self.checksum = getU32(data, 0x3fc) def printState(self):

0001/0002/0004 = cleanly unmounted/errors/orphans retVal = “Unknown” if self.state == 1: retVal = “Cleanly unmounted” elif self.state == 2: retVal = “Errors detected” elif self.state == 4:

retVal = “Orphans being recovered” return retVal def printErrorBehavior(self):

when errors 1/2/3 continue/read-only/panic retVal = “Unknown” if self.errors == 1: retVal = “Continue” elif self.errors == 2: retVal = “Remount read-only” elif self.errors == 3:

retVal = “Kernel panic” return retVal def printCreator(self):

0/1/2/3/4 Linux/Hurd/Masix/FreeBSD/Lites retVal = “Unknown” if self.creatorOs == 0: retVal = “Linux” elif self.creatorOs == 1: retVal = “Hurd” elif self.creatorOs == 2: retVal = “Masix” elif self.creatorOs == 3: retVal = “FreeBSD” elif self.creatorOs == 4:

retVal = “Lites”

return retVal def printHashAlgorithm(self): # 0/1/2/3/4/5 legacy/half MD4/tea/u-legacy/u-half MD4/u-Tea retVal = “Unknown” if self.hashVersion == 0: retVal = “Legacy” elif self.hashVersion == 1:

retVal = “Half MD4” elif self.hashVersion == 2: retVal = “Tea” elif self.hashVersion == 3:

retVal = “Unsigned Legacy” elif self.hashVersion == 4: retVal = “Unsigned Half MD4” elif self.hashVersion == 5: retVal = “Unsigned Tea” return retVal def printEncryptionAlgorithms(self): encList = [] for v in self.encryptionAlgorithms:

if v == 1: encList.append(‘256-bit AES in XTS mode’) elif v == 2: encList.append(‘256-bit AES in GCM mode’) elif v == 3: encList.append(‘256-bit AES in CBC mode’) elif v == 0:

pass else:

encList.append(‘Unknown’) return encList def prettyPrint(self):

for k, v in self.dict.iteritems() :

if k == ‘mountTime’ or k == ‘writeTime’ or \ k == ‘lastCheck’ or k == ‘mkfsTime’ or \ k == ‘firstErrorTime’ or k == ‘lastErrorTime’ :

print k+”:”, time.asctime(v) elif k == ‘state’: print k+”:”, self.printState() elif k == ‘errors’:

print k+”:”, self.printErrorBehavior() elif k == ‘uuid’ or k == ‘journalUuid’:

print k+”:”, printUuid(v) elif k == ‘creatorOs’: print k+”:”, self.printCreator() elif k == ‘hashVersion’:

print k+”:”, self.printHashAlgorithm() elif k == ‘encryptionAlgorithms’:

print k+”:”, self.printEncryptionAlgorithms() else:

print k+”:”, v def usage():

print(“usage “ + sys.argv[0] + \

\n” + \

“Reads superblock from an image file”) exit(1) def main():

if len(sys.argv) < 3:


read first sector if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]): print(“File “ + sys.argv[1] + \

“ cannot be openned for reading”) exit(1) with open(sys.argv[1], ‘rb’) as f: + int(sys.argv[2]) * 512) sbRaw = str( sb = Superblock(sbRaw) sb.prettyPrint() if name == “main”:


This script begins with the usual she-bang line followed by a few import statements. I then define a few helper functions getU32, etc. that take a packed string with an optional offset and return the appropriate numerical value. All of these functions use struct.unpack. These were created to make the code that follows a bit cleaner and easier to read.

Next you will see the printUuid function which prints a 16 byte UUID in the correct format. This is followed by three functions which return lists of strings representing the compatible, incompatible, and read-only compatible feature lists. These three functions use the bitwise AND operator, &, to test if the appropriate bit in one of the feature bitmaps is set.

Next we see the definition for the Superblock class. Like all proper Python classes, this begins with a constructor, which you will recall is named init in Python. The constructor consists of a long list of calls to the helper functions defined at the beginning of the script. Most of this constructor is straightforward. A few of the less obvious lines are commented.

There are a number of time fields in the superblock. All of these fields store times in seconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970, at midnight). These seconds are converted to times by calling time.gmtime(). For example, self.mountTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x2c)) is used to set the mountTime variable in the Superblock class.

The split function used in this function is new. The split function is used to split a string on a character or set of characters. The syntax for split is string.split(<string> [,<separators>[, <max split]]). If the separator is not specified, the string is split on whitespace characters. Lines such as self.volumeName = data[0x78:0x88].split(“\x00”)[0] are used to split a string on a null character (“\x00”) and keep only everything before the null byte. This is done to prevent random bytes after the null from corrupting our value.

In a few cases, an empty list is created and then the append function is used to add items to the list. There are also a few sizes that are stored as powers of two. With the exceptions noted above, there are no new techniques as yet undiscussed in this book.

The Superblock class then defines a few functions that print the filesystem state, error behavior, creator operating system, hash algorithm, and encryption algorithms in a user friendly way. The Superblock class ends with a prettyPrint function which is used to print out all the information contained within a superblock object. This function uses a dictionary which is implicitly defined for all Python objects.

For those new to Python, a dictionary is essentially a list with an important difference. Instead of using integer indexes as a key to retrieving items from the list (the values), a string is used as the key. Where empty square brackets are used to define an empty list, empty curly brackets are used to create an empty dictionary. As with lists, square brackets are used to retrieve items. Also, just like lists, items stored in a dictionary may be of different types. It should be noted that there is no order to items in a dictionary, so the order in which items are added is irrelevant.

The implicitly defined dictionary Python creates for each object is called dict. The keys are the names of class variables and the values are of the same type as whatever is stored in the object. The line for k, v in self.dict.iteritems() : in the Superblock.prettyPrint function demonstrates the syntax for creating a for loop that iterates over a dictionary. The if/elif/else block in prettyPrint is used to print the items that are not simple strings or numbers correctly.

The script defines usage and main functions. The if name == “main”: main() at the end of the script allows it to be run or imported into another script. The main method opens the image file and then seeks to the proper location. Recall that the superblock is 1024 bytes long and begins 1024 bytes into the filesystem. Once the correct bytes have been read, they are passed to the Superblock constructor on the line sb = Superblock(sbRaw) and then the fields of the superblock are printed on the next line, sb.prettyPrint().

Partial results from running this new script against the PFE subject system are shown in Figure 7.11. Examining Figure 7.11 you will see that the subject system has the following read-only compatible features: Sparse Super, Large File, Huge File, Group Descriptor Table Checksum, Directory Nlink, and Extra Isize. Upon comparing this to Figure 7.3 you will see that The Sleuth Kit missed two features: Group Descriptor Table Checksum and Directory Nlink! In order to continue building the full picture of how our filesystem is organized, we must read the block group descriptors.


Partial output of script that read superblock information.

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