MBR-based extended partitions

The following script will attempt to mount anything in extended partitions that were skipped over in the previous script:


# mount-image-extpart.py


This is a simple Python script that will # attempt to mount partitions inside an extended # partition from an image file.

Images are mounted read-only.

# Developed by Dr. Phil Polstra (@ppolstra) # for PentesterAcademy.com import sys import os.path import subprocess import struct “””

Class MbrRecord: decodes a partition record from a Master Boot Record

Usage: rec = MbrRecord(sector, partno) where sector is the 512 byte or greater sector containing the MBR partno is the partition number 0-3 of interest

rec.printPart() prints partition information

“”” class MbrRecord():

def init(self, sector, partno):

self.partno = partno # first record at offset 446 & records are 16 bytes offset = 446 + partno * 16 self.active = False # first byte == 0x80 means active (bootable) if sector[offset] == ‘\x80’:

self.active = True self.type = ord(sector[offset+4]) self.empty = False # partition type == 0 means it is empty if self.type == 0: self.empty = True

sector values are 32-bit and stored in little endian format self.start = struct.unpack(‘<I’, sector[offset + 8: \ offset + 12])[0] self.sectors = struct.unpack(‘<I’, sector[offset + 12: \

offset + 16])[0] def printPart(self):

if self.empty == True: print(“<empty>”) else:

outstr = “” if self.active == True:

outstr += “Bootable:” outstr += “Type “ + str(self.type) + “:” outstr += “Start “ + str(self.start) + “:” outstr += “Total sectors “ + str(self.sectors) print(outstr) def usage():

print(“usage “ + sys.argv[0] + “ \n” + \

“Attempts to mount extended partitions from an image file”) exit(1) def main():

if len(sys.argv) < 2:


only extended partitions will be processed extParts = [0x05, 0x0f, 0x85, 0x91, 0x9b, 0xc5, 0xe4] # swap partions will be ignored swapParts = [0x42, 0x82, 0xb8, 0xc3, 0xfc] # read first sector if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):

print(“File “ + sys.argv[1] + “ cannot be opened for reading”) exit(1) with open(sys.argv[1], ‘rb’) as f:

sector = str(f.read(512)) if (sector[510] == “\x55” and sector[511] == “\xaa”):

print(“Looks like a MBR or VBR”) # if it is an MBR bytes 446, 462, 478, and 494 must be 0x80 or 0x00 if (sector[446] == ‘\x80’ or sector[446] == ‘\x00’) and \

(sector[462] == ‘\x80’ or sector[462] == ‘\x00’) and \

(sector[478] == ‘\x80’ or sector[478] == ‘\x00’) and \ (sector[494] == ‘\x80’ or sector[494] == ‘\x00’):

print(“Must be a MBR”)

parts = [MbrRecord(sector, 0), MbrRecord(sector, 1), \

MbrRecord(sector, 2), MbrRecord(sector, 3)] for p in parts:

p.printPart() if not p.empty:

if it isn’t an extended partition ignore it if p.type in extParts:

print(“Found an extended partition at sector %s” \

% str(p.start)) bottomOfRabbitHole = False extendPartStart = p.start extPartNo = 5 while not bottomOfRabbitHole:

get the linked list MBR entry with open(sys.argv[1], ‘rb’) as f:

f.seek(extendPartStart * 512) llSector = str(f.read(512)) extParts = [MbrRecord(llSector, 0),

MbrRecord(llSector, 1)]

try and mount the first partition

if extParts[0].type in swapParts: print(“Skipping swap partition”) else:

mountpath = ‘/media/part%s’ % str(extPartNo) if not os.path.isdir(mountpath):

subprocess.call([‘mkdir’, mountpath])

mountopts = ‘loop,ro,noatime,offset=%s’ \

% str((extParts[0].start + extendPartStart) * 512) print(“Attempting to mount extend part type %s at sector %s” \ % (hex(extParts[0].type), \ str(extendPartStart + extParts[0].start))) subprocess.call([‘mount’, ‘-o’, mountopts, \

sys.argv[1], mountpath]) if extParts[1].type == 0:

bottomOfRabbitHole = True

print(“Found the bottom of the rabbit hole”) else:

extendPartStart += extParts[1].start

extPartNo += 1

if name == “main”:


This script starts out very similar to the previous script until we get into the main function. The first difference is the definition of two lists: extParts and swapParts that list extended partition and swap partition types, respectively. We then read the MBR as before and verify that it looks like an MBR should. Things really start to diverge from the previous script at the following lines:

if p.type in extParts:

print(“Found an extended partition at sector %s” \

% str(p.start)) bottomOfRabbitHole = False extendPartStart = p.start extPartNo = 5

In these lines we check to see if we have found an extended partition. If so we print a message and set a few variables. The first variable named bottomOfRabbitHole is set to false. This variable is used to indicate when we have found the lowest level in a set of nested extended partitions. The start sector of the primary extended partition is stored in extendPartStart. This is necessary because addresses inside an extended partition are relative to the extended partition, but we need absolute addresses to mount the partition(s). Finally, we set a variable extPartNo equal to 5 which is traditionally used as the partition number for the first logical partition within an extended partition.

The line while not bottomOfRabbitHole: begins a while loop. A while loop is executed as long as the condition listed in the while loop is true. Within the while loop we use our with open construct as before to read the mini-MBR at the start of the extended partition with one small addition to the previous script. The line f.seek(extendPartStart * 512) is new. Because the mini-MBR is not located at the start of the file (LBA0) we must seek ahead to the appropriate place. The offset we need is just the sector number multiplied by the size of a sector (512).

Next we read the first two entries in the mini-MBR into a list, extParts. If the first entry (extParts[0]) is a swap partition, we skip it. Otherwise we attempt to mount it. The mounting code is the same as that found in the previous script.

We then check the second entry in the mini-MBR (extParts[1]). If its type is 0x00, there are no nested extended partitions and we are done. If this is not the case we add the starting sector of the nested extended partition to extendPartStart and increment extPartNo so things are set up properly for our next iteration of the while loop.

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