
Hello All!

Phil and I met online around five years back through and we’ve been great friends ever since. Over the years, we discussed interesting projects we could collaborate on and information security education was on top of our list as expected. Based on our discussions, Phil created an excellent “USB Forensics” and “Linux Forensics” video series for Pentester Academy! Both the video series were fantastic and well received by our students.

I’d always wanted to convert our online video series into books and Phil’s “Linux Forensics” video course seemed like the best place to start this adventure! And so we have! I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Phil and my publishing team at Pentester Academy bon voyage on this new endeavor!

Finally but most importantly, I’d like to thank the and Pentester Academy community and our students for their love and support over the years! We would not be here today without you guys! You’ve made all our dreams come true. We cannot thank you enough.

Vivek Ramachandran

Founder, and Pentester Academy

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