Now that we have a high level view of the extended filesystem, we will drill down into each of its major components, starting with the superblock. The superblock is 1024 bytes long and begins 1024 bytes (2 sectors) into the partition right after the boot block. By default the superblock is repeated in the first block of each block group, but this can be changed by enabling various filesystem features.

Some readers may be familiar with the BIOS parameter blocks and extended BIOS parameter blocks in FAT and NTFS boot sectors. On Windows systems the parameters in those blocks contain all the information the operating system requires in order to read files from the disk. The superblock performs a similar function for Linux systems. Information contained in the superblock includes

Block size

Total blocks

Number of blocks per block group

Reserved blocks before the first block group

Total number of inodes

Number of inodes per block group

The volume name

Last write time for the volume

Last mount time for the volume

Path where the filesystem was last mounted

Filesystem status (whether or not cleanly unmounted)

When examining a filesystem it can be convenient to use a hex editor that is made specifically for this purpose. One such editor is Active@ Disk Editor by Lsoft. It is freely available and there is a version for Linux (as well as one for Windows). The Active@ Disk Editor (ADE) may be downloaded from ADE has several nice features, including templates for interpreting common filesystem structures such as superblocks and inodes. The subject system’s superblock is shown in ADE in Figure 7.5. We will cover the fields in Figure 7.5 in detail later in this chapter during our discussion of various filesystem features. For the moment, I feel I should point out that the block size (offset 0x18 in the superblock) is stored as x, where the block size in bytes = 2(10 + x) = 1024 * 2x. For example, the stored block size of 2 equates to a 4 kB (4096 byte) block. Table 7.1 summarizes all of the fields that may be present in a superblock as of this writing. The material in Table 7.1 primarily comes from the header file /usr/src//fs/ext4/ext4.h.


Examining a superblock with Active@ Disk Editor.

Table 7.1. Superblock field summary.

Offset Size Name Description
0x0 4 inodecount Total inode count.
0x4 4 blockcountlo Total block count.
0x8 4 rblockcountlo This number of blocks can only be allocated by the super-user.
0xC 4 freeblockcountlo Free block count.
0x10 4 freeinodecount Free inode count.
0x14 4 firstdatablock First data block.
0x18 4 logblocksize Block size is 2 ^ (10 + logblocksize).
0x1C 4 logclustersize Cluster size is (2 ^ logclustersize).
0x20 4 blockpergroup Blocks per group.
0x24 4 clusterpergroup Clusters per group, if bigalloc is enabled.
0x28 4 inodepergroup Inodes per group.
0x2C 4 mtime Mount time, in seconds since the epoch.
0x30 4 wtime Write time, in seconds since the epoch.
0x34 2 mntcount Number of mounts since the last fsck.
0x36 2 maxmntcount Number of mounts beyond which a fsck is needed.
0x38 2 magic Magic signature, 0xEF53
0x3A 2 state File system state.
0x3C 2 errors Behavior when detecting errors.
0x3E 2 minorrevlevel Minor revision level.
0x40 4 lastcheck Time of last check, in seconds since the epoch.
0x44 4 checkinterval Maximum time between checks, in seconds.
0x48 4 creatoros OS. One of: Probably 0 = Linux
0x4C 4 revlevel Revision level. One of: 0 or 1
0x50 2 defresuid Default uid for reserved blocks.
0x52 2 defresgid Default gid for reserved blocks.
0x54 4 firstino First non-reserved inode.
0x58 2 inodesize Size of inode structure, in bytes.
0x5A 2 blockgroupnr Block group # of this superblock.
0x5C 4 featurecompat Compatible feature set flags.
0x60 4 featureincompat Incompatible feature set.
0x64 4 featurerocompat Readonly-compatible feature set.
0x68 byte uuid[16] 128-bit UUID for volume.
0x78 char volumename[16] Volume label.
0x88 char lastmounted[64] Directory where filesystem was last mounted.
0xC8 4 algorithmusagebitmap For compression (Not used in e2fsprogs/Linux)
0xCC byte preallocblocks Blocks to preallocate for files
0xCD byte preallocdirblocks Blocks to preallocate for directories.
0xCE 2 reservedgdtblocks Number of reserved GDT entries.
0xD0 byte journaluuid[16] UUID of journal superblock
0xE0 4 journalinum inode number of journal file.
0xE4 4 journaldev Device number of journal file
0xE8 4 lastorphan Start of list of orphaned inodes to delete.
0xEC 4 hashseed[4] HTREE hash seed.
0xFC byte defhashversion Default hash algorithm to use for directories.
0xFD byte jnlbackuptype Journal backup type.
0xFE 2 descsize Size of group descriptors
0x100 4 defaultmountopts Default mount options.
0x104 4 firstmetabg First metablock block group.
0x108 4 mkftime When the filesystem was created.
0x10C 4 jnlblocks[17] Backup copy of the journal inode’s iblock[].
0x150 4 blockcounthi High 32-bits of the block count.
0x154 4 rblockcounthi High 32-bits of the reserved block count.
0x158 4 freeblockcounthi High 32-bits of the free block count.
0x15C 2 minextraisize All inodes have at least # bytes.
0x15E 2 wantextraisize New inodes should reserve # bytes.
0x160 4 flags Miscellaneous flags.
0x164 2 raidstride RAID stride.
0x166 2 mmpinterval Seconds to wait in multi-mount prevention.
0x168 8 mmpblock Block # for multi-mount protection data.
0x170 4 raidstripewidth RAID stripe width.
0x174 byte loggroupperflex Flexible block group size= 2^loggroupperflex.
0x175 byte checksumtype Metadata checksum algorithm type.
0x176 2 reservedpad Alignment padding.
0x178 8 kbytewritten KB written to this filesystem ever.
0x180 4 snapshotinum inode number of active snapshot.
0x184 4 snapshotid Sequential ID of active snapshot.
0x188 8 snapshotrblockcount Number of blocks reserved for active snapshot.
0x190 4 snapshotlist inode number of the head of the snapshot.
0x194 4 errorcount Number of errors seen.
0x198 4 firsterrortime First time an error happened.
0x19C 4 firsterrorino inode involved in first error.
0x1A0 8 firsterrorblock Number of block involved of first error.
0x1A8 byte firsterrorfunc[32] Name of function where the error happened.
0x1C8 4 firsterrorline Line number where error happened.
0x1CC 4 lasterrortime Time of most recent error.
0x1D0 4 lasterrorino inode involved in most recent error.
0x1D4 4 lasterrorline Line number where most recent error happened.
0x1D8 8 lasterrorblock Number of block involved in most recent error.
0x1E0 byte lasterrorfunc[32] Name of function for most recent error.
0x200 byte mountopts[64] ASCIIZ string of mount options.
0x240 4 usrquotainum Inode number of user quota file.
0x244 4 grpquotainum Inode number of group quotafile.
0x248 4 overheadblocks Overhead blocks/clusters in fs.
0x24C 4 backupbgs[2] Block groups containing superblock backups.
0x24E 4 encryptalgos[4] Encryption algorithms in use.
0x252 4 reserved[105] Padding to the end of the block.
0x3FC 4 checksum Superblock checksum.

When using Active@ Disk Editor I recommend that you open each volume by selecting “Open in Disk Editor” as shown in Figure 7.6. This creates a new tab with a logical view of your filesystem. This logical view is more convenient than the raw physical view because, among other things, it will automatically apply some of the built-in templates. If you ever use this tool with Windows filesystems it will also translate clusters to sectors for you.


Opening a logical view of a volume in Active@ Disk Editor.

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