As we said at the beginning of this chapter, we have not covered every one of the Volatility commands for Linux systems. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, the available commands are not equally useful. Some might only be occasionally helpful. Second, I have found that later kernels are not well-supported by Volatility. Some of the commands will fail spectacularly, while others will produce an unsupported error message and exit gracefully. For completeness, I have listed additional Linux commands in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1 Additional Volatility commands not discussed in this chapter.

Command Description Notes
linux_banner Prints Linux banner information Similar to uname -a command
linux_check_evt_arm Check Exception Vector Table ARM architecture only
linux_check_syscall_arm Check system call table ARM architecture only
linux_cpuinfo Print CPU info Gives CPU model only
linux_dentry_cache Use dentry cache to make timeline Likely fails with recent kernels
linux_dmesg Print dmesg buffer Same as cat /var/log/dmesg
linux_dump_map Writes memory maps to disk Good for malware analysis
linux_elfs Print ELF binaries from process maps Lots of output (too much?)
linux_hidden_modules Carves memory for kernel modules Found Xing Yi Quan rootkit
linux_info_regs Print CPU register info Fails for 64-bit Linux
linux_iomem Similar to running cat /proc/iomem Displays input/output memory
linux_kernel_opened_files Lists files opened by kernel
linux_ldrmodules Compare proc maps to libdl Lots of output
linux_library_list Lists library used by a process Useful for malware analysis
linux_library_dump Dumps shared libraries to disk Use -p to get libs for a process
linux_lsmod Print loaded modules Similar to lsmod command
linux_lsof Lists open files Similar to lsof command
linux_malfind Look for suspicious process maps
linux_memmap Dump the memory map for a task Useful for malware analysis
linux_moddump Dump kernel modules Useful for malware analysis
linux_mount_cache Print mounted filesystems from kmem_cache Likely fails for recent kernels
linux_pidhashtable Enumerates processes based on the PID hash table
linux_pkt_queues Dump per-process packet queues Likely fails for recent kernels
linux_plthook Scan ELF Proceedure Linkage Table Useful for malware analysis
linux_process_hollow Check for process hollowing which is technique for hiding malware inside a legitimate process Can discover malware. Requires base address to be specified.
linux_pslist_cache Lists processes using kmem_cache Likely fails for recent kernels
linux_recover_filesystem Recovers the entire cached filesystem Likely fails for recent kernels
linux_route_cache Recovers routing cache from memory (removed in kernel 3.6) Likely fails for recent kernels
linux_sk_buff_cache Recovers packets from kmem_cache Likely fails for recent kernels
linux_slabinfo Prints info from /proc/slabinfo Likely fails for recent kernels
linux_strings Searches for list of strings stored in a file Takes a long time to run
linux_threads Prints threads associated with processes Useful for malware analysis
linux_tmpfs Recover tmpfs from memory Likely fails for recent kernels
linux_truecrypt_passphrase Recover Truecrypt passphrases
linux_vma_cache Recover Virtual Memory Areas Likely fails for recent kernels
linux_volshell Python shell which allows Volatility scripts to be run interactively Unless you know a decent amount of Python, you will likely never use this.
linux_yarascan Use YARA rules to locate malware Useful for malware identification

As you can see from Table 8.1, many of the Volatility commands for Linux don’t work with recent kernels. The remaining commands are predominantly used for malware analysis. You might see some of them in Chapter 10 where we delve a bit deeper into malware.

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