Combining superblock and group descriptor information

Up until this point we have treated the superblock and group descriptors separately. In the last section we used the information from the superblock to locate the group descriptors, but that was the extent to which we combined information from these two items. In this section we will extend the classes introduced previously in this chapter and add a new class which will allow us to determine the layout of an extended filesystem. We will start at the beginning of the script and work our way toward the end describing anything that is new or changed. Note that unlike most scripts in this book, I will talk about the changes and present the complete script at the end of this section. Given the large number of changes, this seems to make more sense for this script.

The first change is a new import statement, from math import log, is added. This is a different form of import from what has been used thus far. This import only pulls in part of the math module. The log function will be used in some of the new code in the script.

A number of new functions have been added. Two convenience functions for determining the number of block groups and the group descriptor size are among the new functions. Their code follows.

def blockGroups(self):

bg = self.totalBlocks / self.blocksPerGroup if self.totalBlocks % self.blocksPerGroup != 0:

bg += 1 return bg def groupDescriptorSize(self):

if ‘64-bit’ in self.incompatibleFeaturesList:

return 64 else:

return 32

The blockGroups function divides the total blocks by blocks-per-group using integer division. Integer division is what you learned back in grammar school where the answer was always an integer with possibly a remainder if things didn’t divide evenly. The next line uses the modulus (%) operator. The modulus is the remainder you get from integer division. For example, 7 % 3 is 1 because 7 / 3 using integer division is 2 remainder 1. The line if self.totalBlocks % self.blocksPerGroup != 0: effectively says “if the total number of blocks is not a multiple of the blocks per group, add one to the number of block groups to account for the last (smaller) block group.”

The following new convenience functions for the Superblock class are straightforward. They are used to determine one quantity from another, such as getting the block group number from an inode or data block number, etc.

def groupStartBlock(self, bgNo):

return self.blocksPerGroup bgNo def groupEndBlock(self, bgNo): return self.groupStartBlock(bgNo + 1) - 1 def groupStartInode(self, bgNo): return self.inodesPerGroup bgNo + 1 def groupEndInode(self, bgNo):

return self.inodesPerGroup * (bgNo + 1) def groupFromBlock(self, blockNo):

return blockNo / self.blocksPerGroup

def groupIndexFromBlock(self, blockNo): return blockNo % self.blocksPerGroup def groupFromInode(self, inodeNo):

return (inodeNo - 1) / self.inodesPerGroup def groupIndexFromInode(self, inodeNo):

return (inodeNo - 1) % self.inodesPerGroup

The final addition to the Superblock class is the function groupHasSuperblock. If you pass this function a block group number it will tell you (okay, not literally tell you, but it will return a value) if that block group contains a superblock based on the features in use. The code for this function follows.

def groupHasSuperblock(self, bgNo):

block group zero always has a superblock if bgNo == 0: return True retVal = False

if ‘Meta Block Groups’ in self.incompatibleFeaturesList and \ bgNo >= self.firstMetaBlockGroup: # meta block groups have a sb and gdt in 1st and

2nd and last of each meta group

meta block group size is blocksize/32 # only part of filesystem might use this feature mbgSize = self.blockSize / 32 retVal = (bgNo % mbgSize == 0) or \

((bgNo + 1) % mbgSize == 0) or \

((bgNo - 1) % mbgSize == 0) elif ‘Sparse Super 2’ in self.compatibleFeaturesList:

two backup superblocks in self.backupBlockGroups if bgNo == self.backupBlockGroups[0] or \ bgNo == self.backupBlockGroups[1]:

retVal = True elif ‘Sparse Super’ in self.readOnlyCompatibleFeaturesList:

backups in 1, powers of 3, 5, and 7 retVal = (bgNo == 1) or \

(bgNo == pow(3, round(log(bgNo) / log(3)))) \ or (bgNo == pow(5, round(log(bgNo) / log(5)))) \ or (bgNo == pow(7, round(log(bgNo) / log(7)))) if retVal:

return retVal else:

if we got this far we must have default

with every bg having sb and gdt retVal = True

return retVal

This function is primarily a big if/elif/else block. It begins with a check to see whether the block group number is zero. If so, it immediately returns True because there is always a superblock in the first group.

Next we check for the Meta Block Groups feature. Recall that this feature breaks up the filesystem into meta groups. The meta groups are like little logical filesystems in that the group descriptors only pertain to block groups within the meta group. This allows larger filesystems to be created. When this feature is enabled, there is a superblock and group descriptor table in the first, second and last block groups within the meta group. The meta groups always have a size of blocksize / 32. Also, the metablock group may only apply to part of the disk, so a check is made to ensure that we are in the region where meta groups exist.

Next, we check for the Sparse Super 2 feature. This feature stores backup superblocks in two groups listed in the superblock. The next check is for the Sparse Super feature. If this feature is in use, the backup superblocks are in group 1 and groups that are powers of 3, 5, or 7. This is where the logarithm function imported earlier comes in. For any number n that is an even power of x, xrounded(log(n)/log(x)) should equal n.

The GroupDescriptor class is unchanged. We add a new class,

ExtendedGroupDescriptor, which combines information from our superblock with group descriptors to more fully describe the block group. This new class adds layout information to what is found in the generic GroupDescriptor class. Some might question why I chose not to have the ExtendedGroupDescriptor class inherit from (or extend) the GroupDescriptor class. The primary reason I did not do so is that the GroupDescriptor class is little more than a structure for storing raw data found on the disk, whereas the ExtendedGroupDescriptor has more meaningful data members that are derived from the raw values. The code for this new class follows.

class ExtendedGroupDescriptor():

def init(self, bgd, sb, bgNo):

self.blockGroup = bgNo self.startBlock = sb.groupStartBlock(bgNo) self.endBlock = sb.groupEndBlock(bgNo) self.startInode = sb.groupStartInode(bgNo) self.endInode = sb.groupEndInode(bgNo) self.flags = bgd.printFlagList() self.freeInodes = bgd.freeInodesCountLo if bgd.wide:

self.freeInodes += bgd.freeInodesCountHi * pow(2, 16) self.freeBlocks = bgd.freeBlocksCountLo if bgd.wide:

self.freeBlocks += bgd.freeBlocksCountHi * pow(2, 16) self.directories = bgd.usedDirsCountLo if bgd.wide:

self.directories += bgd.usedDirsCountHi * pow(2, 16) self.checksum = bgd.checksum self.blockBitmapChecksum = bgd.blockBitmapCsumLo if bgd.wide:

self.blockBitmapChecksum += bgd.blockBitmapCsumHi * pow(2, 16) self.inodeBitmapChecksum = bgd.inodeBitmapCsumLo if bgd.wide:

self.inodeBitmapChecksum += bgd.inodeBitmapCsumHi * pow(2, 16)

now figure out the layout and store it in a list (with lists inside) self.layout = [] self.nonDataBlocks = 0 # for flexible block groups must make an adjustment fbgAdj = 1 if ‘Flexible Block Groups’ in sb.incompatibleFeaturesList:

only first group in flex block affected if bgNo % sb.groupsPerFlex == 0: fbgAdj = sb.groupsPerFlex if sb.groupHasSuperblock(bgNo):

self.layout.append([‘Superblock’, self.startBlock, \ self.startBlock]) gdSize = sb.groupDescriptorSize() * sb.blockGroups() /

sb.blockSize self.layout.append([‘Group Descriptor Table’, \

self.startBlock + 1, self.startBlock + gdSize]) self.nonDataBlocks += gdSize + 1 if sb.reservedGdtBlocks > 0:

self.layout.append([‘Reserved GDT Blocks’, \ self.startBlock + gdSize + 1, \ self.startBlock + gdSize + sb.reservedGdtBlocks]) self.nonDataBlocks += sb.reservedGdtBlocks bbm = bgd.blockBitmapLo if bgd.wide:

bbm += bgd.blockBitmapHi * pow(2, 32) self.layout.append([‘Data Block Bitmap’, bbm, bbm]) # is block bitmap in this group (not flex block group, etc) if sb.groupFromBlock(bbm) == bgNo: self.nonDataBlocks += fbgAdj

ibm = bgd.inodeBitmapLo if bgd.wide:

ibm += bgd.inodeBitmapHi * pow(2, 32) self.layout.append([‘Inode Bitmap’, ibm, ibm]) # is inode bitmap in this group? if sb.groupFromBlock(ibm) == bgNo:

self.nonDataBlocks += fbgAdj it = bgd.inodeTableLo if bgd.wide:

it += bgd.inodeTableHi pow(2, 32) itBlocks = (sb.inodesPerGroup sb.inodeSize) / sb.blockSize self.layout.append([‘Inode Table’, it, it + itBlocks - 1]) # is inode table in this group? if sb.groupFromBlock(it) == bgNo:

self.nonDataBlocks += itBlocks * fbgAdj self.layout.append([‘Data Blocks’, self.startBlock \

  • self.nonDataBlocks, self.endBlock]) def prettyPrint(self):

print “” print ‘Block Group: ‘ + str(self.blockGroup) print ‘Flags: %r ‘ % self.flags print ‘Blocks: %s - %s ‘ % (self.startBlock, self.endBlock) print ‘Inodes: %s - %s ‘ % (self.startInode, self.endInode) print ‘Layout:’ for item in self.layout:

print ‘ %s %s - %s’ % (item[0], item[1], item[2]) print ‘Free Inodes: %u ‘ % self.freeInodes print ‘Free Blocks: %u ‘ % self.freeBlocks print ‘Directories: %u ‘ % self.directories print ‘Checksum: 0x%x ‘ % self.checksum

print ‘Block Bitmap Checksum: 0x%x ‘ % self.blockBitmapChecksum print ‘Inode Bitmap Checksum: 0x%x ‘ % self.inodeBitmapChecksum

There are a few things in the constructor that might require some explanation. You will see lines that read if bgd.wide: following an assignment, where if the statement is true (wide or 64-bit mode in use), another value multiplied by 216 or 232 is added to the newly assigned value. This allows the raw values stored in two fields of the group descriptors for 64-bit filesystems to be stored properly in a single value.

Recall that while certain block groups may be missing some items, the item order of what is present is always superblock, group descriptor table, reserved group descriptor blocks, data block bitmap, inode bitmap, inode table, and data blocks. Before building a list called layout which is a list of lists containing a descriptor, start block, and end block, the constructor checks for the Flexible Block Groups feature.

As a reminder, this feature allows the metadata from a flexible group to be stored in the first block group within the flex group. Because the first block group stores all the group descriptors, bitmaps, and inodes for the entire flex group, an adjustment factor, fbgAdj, is set to the number of groups in a flex group in order to add the correct number of blocks to the layout of the block group. The modulus (%) operator is used in this constructor to determine whether we are at the beginning of a flexible group. Once you understand the flexible block group adjustment calculation, the constructor becomes easy to understand.

The prettyPrint function in the ExtendedGroupDescriptor class is straightforward. As mentioned earlier in this book, The Sleuth Kit seems to be a bit out of date. We have seen features that it does not report. It also will not report the two bitmap checksums at the end of the prettyPrint function in the ExtendedGroupDescriptor class. The only remaining change to our script is to modify the ExtMetadata class to store

ExtendedGroupDescriptors instead of GroupDescriptors. The final version of this script follows.




This is a simple Python script that will # get metadata from an ext2/3/4 filesystem inside # of an image file.


Developed for PentesterAcademy # by Dr. Phil Polstra (@ppolstra) import sys import os.path import subprocess import struct import time from math import log # these are simple functions to make conversions easier def getU32(data, offset=0): return struct.unpack(‘<L’, data[offset:offset+4])[0] def getU16(data, offset=0): return struct.unpack(‘<H’, data[offset:offset+2])[0] def getU8(data, offset=0): return struct.unpack(‘B’, data[offset:offset+1])[0] def getU64(data, offset=0):

return struct.unpack(‘<Q’, data[offset:offset+8])[0]

this function doesn’t unpack the string because # it isn’t really a number but a UUID def getU128(data, offset=0): return data[offset:offset+16] def printUuid(data):

retStr = format(struct.unpack(‘<Q’, data[8:16])[0], \

‘X’).zfill(16) + \ format(struct.unpack(‘<Q’, data[0:8])[0], ‘X’).zfill(16) return retStr def getCompatibleFeaturesList(u32):

retList = [] if u32 & 0x1: retList.append(‘Directory Preallocate’) if u32 & 0x2: retList.append(‘Imagic Inodes’) if u32 & 0x4: retList.append(‘Has Journal’) if u32 & 0x8: retList.append(‘Extended Attributes’) if u32 & 0x10: retList.append(‘Resize Inode’) if u32 & 0x20: retList.append(‘Directory Index’) if u32 & 0x40: retList.append(‘Lazy Block Groups’) if u32 & 0x80: retList.append(‘Exclude Inode’) if u32 & 0x100: retList.append(‘Exclude Bitmap’) if u32 & 0x200:

retList.append(‘Sparse Super 2’) return retList def getIncompatibleFeaturesList(u32):

retList = [] if u32 & 0x1: retList.append(‘Compression’) if u32 & 0x2: retList.append(‘Filetype’) if u32 & 0x4:


if u32 & 0x8: retList.append(‘Journal Device’) if u32 & 0x10: retList.append(‘Meta Block Groups’) if u32 & 0x40: retList.append(‘Extents’) if u32 & 0x80: retList.append(‘64-bit’) if u32 & 0x100: retList.append(‘Multiple Mount Protection’) if u32 & 0x200: retList.append(‘Flexible Block Groups’) if u32 & 0x400: retList.append(‘Extended Attributes in Inodes’) if u32 & 0x1000: retList.append(‘Directory Data’) if u32 & 0x2000: retList.append(‘Block Group Metadata Checksum’) if u32 & 0x4000: retList.append(‘Large Directory’) if u32 & 0x8000: retList.append(‘Inline Data’) if u32 & 0x10000:

retList.append(‘Encrypted Inodes’) return retList def getReadonlyCompatibleFeaturesList(u32):

retList = [] if u32 & 0x1: retList.append(‘Sparse Super’) if u32 & 0x2: retList.append(‘Large File’) if u32 & 0x4: retList.append(‘Btree Directory’) if u32 & 0x8: retList.append(‘Huge File’) if u32 & 0x10: retList.append(‘Group Descriptor Table Checksum’) if u32 & 0x20: retList.append(‘Directory Nlink’) if u32 & 0x40:

retList.append(‘Extra Isize’) if u32 & 0x80: retList.append(‘Has Snapshot’) if u32 & 0x100: retList.append(‘Quota’) if u32 & 0x200: retList.append(‘Big Alloc’) if u32 & 0x400: retList.append(‘Metadata Chec2ksum’) if u32 & 0x800: retList.append(‘Replica’) if u32 & 0x1000:

retList.append(‘Read-only’) return retList

“”” This class will parse the data in a superblock from an extended (ext2/ext3/ext4) Linux filesystem. It is up to date as of July 2015. Usage: sb.Superblock(data) where data is a packed string at least 1024 bytes long that contains a superblock in the first 1024 bytes. sb.prettyPrint() prints out all fields in the superblock. “”” class Superblock():

def init(self, data):

self.totalInodes = getU32(data) self.totalBlocks = getU32(data, 4) self.restrictedBlocks = getU32(data, 8) self.freeBlocks = getU32(data, 0xc) self.freeInodes = getU32(data, 0x10) # normally 0 unless block size is <4k self.firstDataBlock = getU32(data, 0x14) # block size is 1024 * 2^(whatever is in this field) self.blockSize = pow(2, 10 + getU32(data, 0x18)) # only used if bigalloc feature enabled self.clusterSize = pow(2, getU32(data, 0x1c)) self.blocksPerGroup = getU32(data, 0x20) # only used if bigalloc feature enabled self.clustersPerGroup = getU32(data, 0x24) self.inodesPerGroup = getU32(data, 0x28) self.mountTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x2c)) self.writeTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x30)) # mounts since last fsck self.mountCount = getU16(data, 0x34) # mounts between fsck self.maxMountCount = getU16(data, 0x36) # should be 0xef53 self.magic = getU16(data, 0x38) #0001/0002/0004 = cleanly unmounted/errors/orphans self.state = getU16(data, 0x3a) # when errors 1/2/3 continue/read-only/panic self.errors = getU16(data, 0x3c) self.minorRevision = getU16(data, 0x3e) # last fsck time

self.lastCheck = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x40)) # seconds between checks self.checkInterval = getU32(data, 0x44) # 0/1/2/3/4 Linux/Hurd/Masix/FreeBSD/Lites self.creatorOs = getU32(data, 0x48) # 0/1 original/v2 with dynamic inode sizes self.revisionLevel = getU32(data, 0x4c) # UID for reserved blocks self.defaultResUid = getU16(data, 0x50) # GID for reserved blocks self.defaultRegGid = getU16(data, 0x52) # for Ext4 dynamic revisionLevel superblocks only! # first non-reserved inode self.firstInode = getU32(data, 0x54) # inode size in bytes self.inodeSize = getU16(data, 0x58) # block group this superblock is in self.blockGroupNumber = getU16(data, 0x5a) # compatible features self.compatibleFeatures = getU32(data, 0x5c) self.compatibleFeaturesList = \ getCompatibleFeaturesList(self.compatibleFeatures)

incompatible features self.incompatibleFeatures = getU32(data, 0x60) self.incompatibleFeaturesList = \ getIncompatibleFeaturesList(self.incompatibleFeatures)

read-only compatible features self.readOnlyCompatibleFeatures = getU32(data, 0x64) self.readOnlyCompatibleFeaturesList = \ getReadonlyCompatibleFeaturesList(self.readOnlyCompatibleFeatures) #UUID for volume left as a packed string self.uuid = getU128(data, 0x68) # volume name - likely empty self.volumeName = data[0x78:0x88].split(“\x00”)[0] # directory where last mounted self.lastMounted = data[0x88:0xc8].split(“\x00”)[0] # used with compression self.algorithmUsageBitmap = getU32(data, 0xc8) # not used in ext4 self.preallocBlocks = getU8(data, 0xcc) #only used with DIR_PREALLOC feature self.preallocDirBlock = getU8(data, 0xcd) # blocks reserved for future expansion self.reservedGdtBlocks = getU16(data, 0xce) # UUID of journal superblock self.journalUuid = getU128(data, 0xd0) # inode number of journal file self.journalInode = getU32(data, 0xe0) # device number for journal if external journal used self.journalDev = getU32(data, 0xe4) # start of list of orphaned inodes to delete self.lastOrphan = getU32(data, 0xe8) self.hashSeed = [] # htree hash seed

self.hashSeed.append(getU32(data, 0xec)) self.hashSeed.append(getU32(data, 0xf0)) self.hashSeed.append(getU32(data, 0xf4)) self.hashSeed.append(getU32(data, 0xf8)) # 0/1/2/3/4/5 legacy/half MD4/tea/u-legacy/u-half MD4/u-Tea self.hashVersion = getU8(data, 0xfc) self.journalBackupType = getU8(data, 0xfd) # group descriptor size if 64-bit feature enabled self.descriptorSize = getU16(data, 0xfe) self.defaultMountOptions = getU32(data, 0x100) # only used with meta bg feature self.firstMetaBlockGroup = getU32(data, 0x104)

when was the filesystem created self.mkfsTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x108)) self.journalBlocks = [] # backup copy of journal inodes and size in last two elements for i in range(0, 17):

self.journalBlocks.append(getU32(data, 0x10c + i*4))

for 64-bit mode only self.blockCountHi = getU32(data, 0x150) self.reservedBlockCountHi = getU32(data, 0x154) self.freeBlocksHi = getU32(data, 0x158) # all inodes such have at least this much space self.minInodeExtraSize = getU16(data, 0x15c) # new inodes should reserve this many bytes self.wantInodeExtraSize = getU16(data, 0x15e) #1/2/4 signed hash/unsigned hash/test code self.miscFlags = getU32(data, 0x160) # logical blocks read from disk in RAID before moving to next disk self.raidStride = getU16(data, 0x164) # seconds to wait between multi-mount checks self.mmpInterval = getU16(data, 0x166) # block number for MMP data self.mmpBlock = getU64(data, 0x168) # how many blocks read/write till back on this disk self.raidStripeWidth = getU32(data, 0x170) # groups per flex group self.groupsPerFlex = pow(2, getU8(data, 0x174)) # should be 1 for crc32 self.metadataChecksumType = getU8(data, 0x175) # should be zeroes self.reservedPad = getU16(data, 0x176) # kilobytes written for all time self.kilobytesWritten = getU64(data, 0x178) # inode of active snapshot self.snapshotInode = getU32(data, 0x180) # id of the active snapshot self.snapshotId = getU32(data, 0x184) # blocks reserved for snapshot self.snapshotReservedBlocks = getU64(data, 0x188) # inode number of head of snapshot list self.snapshotList = getU32(data, 0x190)

self.errorCount = getU32(data, 0x194) # time first error detected

self.firstErrorTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x198)) # guilty inode

self.firstErrorInode = getU32(data, 0x19c) # guilty block

self.firstErrorBlock = getU64(data, 0x1a0) # guilty function self.firstErrorFunction = \ data[0x1a8:0x1c8].split(“\x00”)[0]

line number where error occurred self.firstErrorLine = getU32(data, 0x1c8) # time last error detected self.lastErrorTime = time.gmtime(getU32(data, 0x1cc)) # guilty inode self.lastErrorInode = getU32(data, 0x1d0) # line number where error occurred self.lastErrorLine = getU32(data, 0x1d4) # guilty block self.lastErrorBlock = getU64(data, 0x1d8) # guilty function self.lastErrorFunction = \


mount options in null-terminated string self.mountOptions = \ data[0x200:0x240].split(“\x00”)[0]

inode of user quota file self.userQuotaInode = getU32(data, 0x240) # inode of group quota file self.groupQuotaInode = getU32(data, 0x244) # should be zero self.overheadBlocks = getU32(data, 0x248) # super sparse 2 only self.backupBlockGroups = \

[getU32(data, 0x24c), getU32(data, 0x250)] self.encryptionAlgorithms = [] for i in range(0, 4):

self.encryptionAlgorithms.append(\ getU32(data, 0x254 + i*4)) self.checksum = getU32(data, 0x3fc) def blockGroups(self):

bg = self.totalBlocks / self.blocksPerGroup if self.totalBlocks % self.blocksPerGroup != 0:

bg += 1 return bg def groupDescriptorSize(self):

if ‘64-bit’ in self.incompatibleFeaturesList:

return 64 else:

return 32 def printState(self):

0001/0002/0004 = cleanly unmounted/errors/orphans retVal = “Unknown” if self.state == 1: retVal = “Cleanly unmounted” elif self.state == 2: retVal = “Errors detected” elif self.state == 4:

retVal = “Orphans being recovered” return retVal def printErrorBehavior(self):

when errors 1/2/3 continue/read-only/panic retVal = “Unknown” if self.errors == 1:

retVal = “Continue” elif self.errors == 2: retVal = “Remount read-only” elif self.errors == 3:

retVal = “Kernel panic” return retVal def printCreator(self):

0/1/2/3/4 Linux/Hurd/Masix/FreeBSD/Lites retVal = “Unknown” if self.creatorOs == 0:

retVal = “Linux” elif self.creatorOs == 1: retVal = “Hurd” elif self.creatorOs == 2: retVal = “Masix” elif self.creatorOs == 3: retVal = “FreeBSD” elif self.creatorOs == 4:

retVal = “Lites” return retVal def printHashAlgorithm(self):

0/1/2/3/4/5 legacy/half MD4/tea/u-legacy/u-half MD4/u-Tea retVal = “Unknown” if self.hashVersion == 0: retVal = “Legacy” elif self.hashVersion == 1: retVal = “Half MD4” elif self.hashVersion == 2: retVal = “Tea”32sion == 3: retVal = “Unsigned Legacy” elif self.hashVersion == 4: retVal = “Unsigned Half MD4” elif self.hashVersion == 5: retVal = “Unsigned Tea” return retVal def printEncryptionAlgorithms(self): encList = [] for v in self.encryptionAlgorithms:

if v == 1: encList.append(‘256-bit AES in XTS mode’) elif v == 2: encList.append(‘256-bit AES in GCM mode’) elif v == 3: encList.append(‘256-bit AES in CBC mode’) elif v == 0:

pass else:

encList.append(‘Unknown’) return encList def prettyPrint(self):

for k, v in sorted(self.dict.iteritems()) : if k == ‘mountTime’ or k == ‘writeTime’ or \ k == ‘lastCheck’ or k == ‘mkfsTime’ or \ k == ‘firstErrorTime’ or k == ‘lastErrorTime’ :

print k+”:”, time.asctime(v) elif k == ‘state’:

print k+”:”, self.printState() elif k == ‘errors’:

print k+”:”, self.printErrorBehavior() elif k == ‘uuid’ or k == ‘journalUuid’:

print k+”:”, printUuid(v) elif k == ‘creatorOs’: print k+”:”, self.printCreator() elif k == ‘hashVersion’:

print k+”:”, self.printHashAlgorithm() elif k == ‘encryptionAlgorithms’:

print k+”:”, self.printEncryptionAlgorithms() else:

print k+”:”, v def groupStartBlock(self, bgNo): return self.blocksPerGroup bgNo def groupEndBlock(self, bgNo): return self.groupStartBlock(bgNo + 1) - 1 def groupStartInode(self, bgNo): return self.inodesPerGroup bgNo + 1 def groupEndInode(self, bgNo): return self.inodesPerGroup * (bgNo + 1) def groupFromBlock(self, blockNo): return blockNo / self.blocksPerGroup def groupIndexFromBlock(self, blockNo):

return blockNo % self.blocksPerGroup def groupFromInode(self, inodeNo):

return (inodeNo - 1) / self.inodesPerGroup def groupIndexFromInode(self, inodeNo): return (inodeNo - 1) % self.inodesPerGroup def groupHasSuperblock(self, bgNo):

block group zero always has a superblock if bgNo == 0:

return True retVal = False

if ‘Meta Block Groups’ in self.incompatibleFeaturesList and \ bgNo >= self.firstMetaBlockGroup: # meta block groups have a sb and gdt in 1st and

2nd and last of each meta group

meta block group size is blocksize/32

only part of filesystem might use this feature

mbgSize = self.blockSize / 32 retVal = (bgNo % mbgSize == 0) or \

((bgNo + 1) % mbgSize == 0) or \

((bgNo - 1) % mbgSize == 0) elif ‘Sparse Super 2’ in self.compatibleFeaturesList:

two backup superblocks in self.backupBlockGroups if bgNo == self.backupBlockGroups[0] or \ bgNo == self.backupBlockGroups[1]:

retVal = True elif ‘Sparse Super’ in self.readOnlyCompatibleFeaturesList:

backups in 1, powers of 3, 5, and 7 retVal = (bgNo == 1) or \

(bgNo == pow(3, round(log(bgNo) / log(3)))) \ or (bgNo == pow(5, round(log(bgNo) / log(5)))) \ or (bgNo == pow(7, round(log(bgNo) / log(7)))) if retVal: return retVal else:

if we got this far we must have default # with every bg having sb and gdt retVal = True

return retVal

“”” This class stores the raw group descriptors from a Linux extended (ext2/ext3/ext4) filesystem. It is little more than a glorified structure. Both 32-bit and 64-bit (wide) filesystems are supported.

It is up to date as of July 2015. Usage: gd = GroupDescriptor(data, wide) where data is a 32 byte group descriptor if wide is false or 64 byte group descriptor if wide is true.

gd.prettyPrint() prints all the fields in an organized manner. “”” class GroupDescriptor():

def init(self, data, wide=False):

self.wide = wide #/ Blocks bitmap block / self.blockBitmapLo=getU32(data)

/ Inodes bitmap block /

self.inodeBitmapLo=getU32(data, 4) #/ Inodes table block / self.inodeTableLo=getU32(data, 8) #/ Free blocks count / self.freeBlocksCountLo=getU16(data, 0xc) #/ Free inodes count / self.freeInodesCountLo=getU16(data, 0xe) #/ Directories count / self.usedDirsCountLo=getU16(data, 0x10) #/ EXT4_BG_flags (INODE_UNINIT, etc) / self.flags=getU16(data, 0x12) self.flagList = self.printFlagList() #/ Exclude bitmap for snapshots / self.excludeBitmapLo=getU32(data, 0x14) #/ crc32c(s_uuid+grp_num+bbitmap) LE / self.blockBitmapCsumLo=getU16(data, 0x18) #/ crc32c(s_uuid+grp_num+ibitmap) LE / self.inodeBitmapCsumLo=getU16(data, 0x1a) #/ Unused inodes count / self.itableUnusedLo=getU16(data, 0x1c) #/ crc16(sb_uuid+group+desc) / self.checksum=getU16(data, 0x1e) if wide==True:

/ Blocks bitmap block MSB / self.blockBitmapHi=getU32(data, 0x20) #/ Inodes bitmap block MSB / self.inodeBitmapHi=getU32(data, 0x24) #/ Inodes table block MSB / self.inodeTableHi=getU32(data, 0x28) #/ Free blocks count MSB / self.freeBlocksCountHi=getU16(data, 0x2c) #/ Free inodes count MSB / self.freeInodesCountHi=getU16(data, 0x2e) #/ Directories count MSB / self.usedDirsCountHi=getU16(data, 0x30) #/ Unused inodes count MSB / self.itableUnusedHi=getU16(data, 0x32) #/ Exclude bitmap block MSB / self.excludeBitmapHi=getU32(data, 0x34) #/ crc32c(s_uuid+grp_num+bbitmap) BE / self.blockBitmapCsumHi=getU16(data, 0x38) #/ crc32c(s_uuid+grp_num+ibitmap) BE / self.inodeBitmapCsumHi=getU16(data, 0x3a)

self.reserved=getU32(data, 0x3c) def printFlagList(self):

flagList = [] #inode table and bitmap are not initialized (EXT4_BG_INODE_UNINIT). if self.flags & 0x1:

flagList.append(‘Inode Uninitialized’)

block bitmap is not initialized (EXT4_BG_BLOCK_UNINIT). if self.flags & 0x2:

flagList.append(‘Block Uninitialized’)

inode table is zeroed (EXT4_BG_INODE_ZEROED).

if self.flags & 0x4:

flagList.append(‘Inode Zeroed’) return flagList def prettyPrint(self):

for k, v in sorted(self.dict.iteritems()) :

print k+”:”, v

“”” This class combines informaton from the block group descriptor and the superblock to more fully describe the block group. It is up to date as of July 2015. Usage egd = ExtendedGroupDescriptor(bgd, sb, bgNo) where bgd is a GroupDescriptor object, sb is a Superblock object, and bgNo is a block group number.

egd.prettyPrint() prints out various statistics for the block group and also its layout. “”” class ExtendedGroupDescriptor():

def init(self, bgd, sb, bgNo):

self.blockGroup = bgNo

self.startBlock = sb.groupStartBlock(bgNo) self.endBlock = sb.groupEndBlock(bgNo) self.startInode = sb.groupStartInode(bgNo) self.endInode = sb.groupEndInode(bgNo) self.flags = bgd.printFlagList() self.freeInodes = bgd.freeInodesCountLo if bgd.wide:

self.freeInodes += bgd.freeInodesCountHi * pow(2, 16)

self.freeBlocks = bgd.freeBlocksCountLo if bgd.wide:

self.freeBlocks += bgd.freeBlocksCountHi * pow(2, 16) self.directories = bgd.usedDirsCountLo if bgd.wide:

self.directories += bgd.usedDirsCountHi * pow(2, 16) self.checksum = bgd.checksum self.blockBitmapChecksum = bgd.blockBitmapCsumLo if bgd.wide:

self.blockBitmapChecksum += bgd.blockBitmapCsumHi * pow(2, 16) self.inodeBitmapChecksum = bgd.inodeBitmapCsumLo if bgd.wide:

self.inodeBitmapChecksum += bgd.inodeBitmapCsumHi * pow(2, 16)

now figure out the layout and store it in a list (with lists inside) self.layout = [] self.nonDataBlocks = 0 # for flexible block groups must make an adjustment fbgAdj = 1 if ‘Flexible Block Groups’ in sb.incompatibleFeaturesList:

only first group in flex block affected if bgNo % sb.groupsPerFlex == 0: fbgAdj = sb.groupsPerFlex if sb.groupHasSuperblock(bgNo):

self.layout.append([‘Superblock’, self.startBlock, \ self.startBlock]) gdSize = sb.groupDescriptorSize() * sb.blockGroups() /

sb.blockSize self.layout.append([‘Group Descriptor Table’, \

self.startBlock + 1, self.startBlock + gdSize]) self.nonDataBlocks += gdSize + 1 if sb.reservedGdtBlocks > 0:

self.layout.append([‘Reserved GDT Blocks’, \

self.startBlock + gdSize + 1, \ self.startBlock + gdSize + sb.reservedGdtBlocks]) self.nonDataBlocks += sb.reservedGdtBlocks bbm = bgd.blockBitmapLo if bgd.wide:

bbm += bgd.blockBitmapHi * pow(2, 32) self.layout.append([‘Data Block Bitmap’, bbm, bbm])

is block bitmap in this group (not flex block group, etc)

if sb.groupFromBlock(bbm) == bgNo: self.nonDataBlocks += fbgAdj ibm = bgd.inodeBitmapLo if bgd.wide:

ibm += bgd.inodeBitmapHi * pow(2, 32) self.layout.append([‘Inode Bitmap’, ibm, ibm]) # is inode bitmap in this group? if sb.groupFromBlock(ibm) == bgNo:

self.nonDataBlocks += fbgAdj it = bgd.inodeTableLo if bgd.wide:

it += bgd.inodeTableHi pow(2, 32) itBlocks = (sb.inodesPerGroup sb.inodeSize) / sb.blockSize self.layout.append([‘Inode Table’, it, it + itBlocks - 1]) # is inode table in this group? if sb.groupFromBlock(it) == bgNo:

self.nonDataBlocks += itBlocks * fbgAdj self.layout.append([‘Data Blocks’, self.startBlock \

  • self.nonDataBlocks, self.endBlock]) def prettyPrint(self):

print “” print ‘Block Group: ‘ + str(self.blockGroup) print ‘Flags: %r ‘ % self.flags print ‘Blocks: %s - %s ‘ % (self.startBlock, self.endBlock) print ‘Inodes: %s - %s ‘ % (self.startInode, self.endInode) print ‘Layout:’ for item in self.layout:

print ‘ %s %s - %s’ % (item[0], item[1], item[2]) print ‘Free Inodes: %u ‘ % self.freeInodes print ‘Free Blocks: %u ‘ % self.freeBlocks print ‘Directories: %u ‘ % self.directories print ‘Checksum: 0x%x ‘ % self.checksum

print ‘Block Bitmap Checksum: 0x%x ‘ % self.blockBitmapChecksum

print ‘Inode Bitmap Checksum: 0x%x ‘ % self.inodeBitmapChecksum

“”” This class reads the superblock and block group descriptors from an image file containing a Linux extended (ext2/ext3/ext4) filesystem and then stores the filesystem metadata in an organized manner. It is up to date as of July 2015.

Usage: emd = ExtMetadata(filename, offset) where filename is a

raw image file and offset is the offset in 512 byte sectors from the start of the file to the first sector of the extended filesystem.

emd.prettyPrint() will print out the superblock information and then iterate over each block group printing statistics and layout information. “”” class ExtMetadata():

def init(self, filename, offset):

read first sector if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):

print(“File “ + str(filename) + \

“ cannot be openned for reading”) exit(1) with open(str(filename), ‘rb’) as f: + int(offset) * 512) sbRaw = str( self.superblock = Superblock(sbRaw) # read block group descriptors

self.blockGroups = self.superblock.blockGroups() if self.superblock.descriptorSize != 0: self.wideBlockGroups = True self.blockGroupDescriptorSize = 64 else:

self.wideBlockGroups = False self.blockGroupDescriptorSize = 32

read in group descriptors starting in block 1 with open(str(filename), ‘rb’) as f: 512 + self.superblock.blockSize) bgdRaw = str( \ self.blockGroupDescriptorSize)) self.bgdList = [] for i in range(0, self.blockGroups):

bgd = GroupDescriptor(bgdRaw[i * self.blockGroupDescriptorSize:]\

, self.wideBlockGroups) ebgd = ExtendedGroupDescriptor(bgd, self.superblock, i)

self.bgdList.append(ebgd) def prettyPrint(self):

self.superblock.prettyPrint() for bgd in self.bgdList:


def usage():

print(“usage “ + sys.argv[0] + \

\n” + \

“Reads superblock from an image file”) exit(1)

def main():

if len(sys.argv) < 3:


read first sector if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):

print(“File “ + sys.argv[1] + “ cannot be openned for reading”) exit(1) emd = ExtMetadata(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])


if name == “main”:


Partial results from running this script against the PFE subject system image are shown in Figure 7.13, Figure 7.14, and Figure 7.15. In Figure 7.13 we see that flexible block groups are in use. Not shown in this figure is a flexible block group size of 16. In Figure 7.14 the first block group is shown. As is always the case, it contains a superblock and group descriptor table (including the reserved blocks for future expansion). You will notice that there are 16 blocks between the data bitmap and inode bitmap, and also between the inode bitmap and the inode table. This is due to this being the first group in a flexible group (size=16) that houses these values for all block groups within the flex group.


Result of running the script on the PFE subject system – Part 1.


Result of running the script on the PFE subject system – Part 2.

In Figure 7.15 we see that block group 3 has a superblock and group descriptor table. This is because the Sparse Super feature is in use which stores the superblock and group descriptor table in groups that are powers of 3, 5, or 7. If you examine the full output from this command you will see that all of these backup superblocks and group descriptor tables are in the correct places.


Result of running the script on the PFE subject system – Part 3.

Before we move on to a new topic, I feel that I should point out that we have merely scratched the surface of what can be done with the classes found in this script. For example, the classes could easily be used to calculate the offset into an image for a given inode or data block. It could also be used to work backward from an offset to figure out what is stored in any given sector. Now that we have learned all of the basics of the extended filesystems we will move on to discussing how we might detect an attacker’s actions, even if he or she has altered timestamps on the filesystem.

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